Sunday, September 25, 2011

A visit from the family :)

We've awaited this time for weeks, to finally have some company from loved ones, those that accept us for who we are, tolerate our boys temper tantrums without judgement, love us for who we are and just enjoy our company. Although it was a quick trip we were so excited to see them! They arrived Saturday morning, after driving all night to get here. My boys were a little confused waking up to Nema and Pawpaw after not seeing them for 6 weeks and after the big move. It been a HUGE change trying to get the boys adjusted to living in Alabama. They miss their beds that they have slept in for 3 years, lazy days at home with Meme, playtime with their cousins Bay and Brax and weekend trips to Nema and Pawpaws. So many things have changed for them at such a young age. I'm still adjusting, I cannot imagine what is going through their little brains, so many emotions! The fact that they are going through "terrible two's and three's!" along with all these changes definately doesn't help our emotional situation. These days I just try to make it through the day without losing my cool. Don't get me wrong, I looooove getting to be a stay at home mom, getting to sit down with them everyday and color and play and go for long walks, enjoying the beautiful scenery of Alabama. But it is a daily struggle to keep my cool after the fourth and fifth temper tantrum and boxing match of the day. Boys are a different breed, that's for sure! Haha, but boy do I love them! I find hope in the fact that the Lord always has our best interest at heart, he ALWAYS knows best and he has brought us here for a reason. I am excited to see it unfold and excited to watch my boys adjust and learn so many new things, meet so many new people and learn to love each other in a way they have never known. Right now all we have is each other and we are learning to lean on one another, thank you Lord for that! I love and respect my husband more now than I ever imagined was possible. He is already teaching us new things! Lord help me to be patient, to be a good mom, a good listener, be gentle in spirit, always looking to you for your lead, help me to teach, love and cherish every moment with my family. Thank you for visit from family, Razorback games :) and pizza time!

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